Yes! You Can Deduct Home Care Costs from Your Taxes…
It's fast approaching that time of year again…tax season. We are often asked about the deductibility of home care on your federal taxes....

Apple announces medical records on the iPhone...
In a major step forward to provide access to your families medical records, Apple announces integration with multiple health providers. ...

4,000 Steps towards a Healthy Brain
Senior citizens should walk 4,000 steps each day to have a healthy brain, a recent study from India, stated. According to the study,...

Equal Sharing of Housework for the Elderly: Key to Better Health
According to a new study published in BMC Health, elderly men in the US and Europe are performing less housework compared with elderly...

The Pitfalls of Sitting Too Long for Elders
Sitting for a very long time especially is more critical especially for the elderly. With their muscles wasting away much faster compared...

What Do Centenarians Have In Common? Secrets Exposed!
Life does has its mysteries. But one thing holds true: there’s no stopping death. If it’s time, it will be. Many are asking, “What’s the...

Fighting Alzheimer’s with Green Veggies
Consuming plenty of green vegetables helps keep the brain 11 years younger, a study states. Eating a minimum of one portion of spinach,...

How to Help Seniors Cope with Loneliness
More than one in three senior Americans call themselves lonely, adding up to their feelings of isolation especially during the holidays,...

Save Your Brain, Play Video Games
Of all the ways to keep your brain healthy, who would ever think that playing video games is one of them? Besides a common cause of...

Happy Holidays at Brookdale San Jose!
Jody, Stacey and myself had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Brookdale San Jose residences. Michelle Merritt, Executive Director...