Asian-Americans and Senior Caregiving: Challenges and Solutions
In our local communities, Asian-Americans represent a growing portion of the population. This population is one that faces significant...

Employer Support of Caregivers: A Resource Guide
I only recently learned of the work of ReACT (Respect a Caregiver’s Time), an employer-focused organization dedicated to helping employee...

Santa Clara, San Mateo Counties to Begin Cal MediConnect Demonstration Project
Many of you may be already aware of California’s Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), which is beginning implementation on April 1st of...

Person-Centered Dementia Care: More than a Medical or Technical Approach
I was recently reading an article on person-centered dementia care posted last fall by Sonya Barsness. Barsness helped develop the Hand...

Tai Chi Offers Health Benefits for Older Adults
Exercise is a critical component of any wellness program, but for those who are aged or disabled, many types of vigorous physical...

California Vets Offered Assistance through Caregiver Programs
California is home to approximately 2.2 military veterans, making it the state with the largest veteran population in the U.S. Many vets...

California Gets Tough on Assisted Living Regulations
This past week, the California state legislator announced a total of 12 bills that are aimed at curtailing problems in assisted living...

Cognitive Training Strengthen Seniors’ Mental Skills — Even Decade Later
Last week the San Jose Mercury News published the results of a significant research study conducted at the University of Florida. ...

Never Too Young or Old to Volunteer
Two recent articles in local media outlets have caused me to reflect on the value of volunteering with seniors, and how the definition of...