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Need help managing medications?
Homecare California has an affordable solution to help keep management of you or your loved one’s medications under control. We’ve partnered with a local organization of registered nurses that will come to your home to assist you in managing your medications.
With the help of a California licensed registered nurse, you can get help managing your medications. Its easy to get started...
1. Reconciliation
Your nurse will contact your physicians to review current medications. Any suggested changes will be discussed with the client, family members and related physicians.
2. Organization
Pill boxes will be set up for 4 weeks at a time if possible and arranged according the instructions for time of day, etc. Once per month (or more if needed, your nurse will visit, refill pill boxes and review medications taken from the previous 4 week's logs.
3. Monitoring
If possible, family members, the client or caregivers will carefully note medications taken, not taken and any comments. Your nurse will reconcile this log with the used pill boxes to determine adherence to medication instructions.

The process is simple and effective...