Asian-American Seniors and Depression: A Closer Look
Talk about mental health in front of senior Asian-Americans and you may just receive a shrug or an odd look from them. According to the American Psychological Association, senior Asian-American women rank on top when it comes to suicide rates pertaining to racial groups. However, Asian-Americans are known to be almost three times less expected to ask for mental health assistance.
According to experts, this particular racial group avoid talking about their mental health concerns as they are afraid of feeling shameful. With this, experts are encouraging more culturally understanding mental health techniques together with the promulgation of the idea that mental health issues are normal.
With the widespread issue all over the U.S., it is but vital to help health care providers, families, relatives, and friends of such seniors in providing apt health care for their elderly loved ones. By providing healthy support systems and constant communication with them, the situation can be made better.
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