Elderly, Homeless Encouraged to Find Shelter during Heat Wave
Southern California now experiences tremendously high temperatures, with an anticipated peak on Monday, being the first day of summer. Thus, aside from the warnings of excessive heat for Los Angeles County, public health officials also alerted its emergency management agencies to aid the elderly, homeless, pets and children, the most vulnerable.
On Monday, the longest day of the year, San Bernardino may reach 115 degrees, Ontario 109 degrees, Death Valley at 131 degrees, and Palm Springs 121 degrees. A climatologist even stated how it can become brutal, a very grave heat wave which may even result to fire if worse comes to worst.
To combat the forecast weather scenario, agencies have prepared by coordinating with cooling centers such as community centers and public libraries. Those with no air conditioning in their homes may take refuge in these centers to avoid the heat wave. This move shall help avoid incurring heat stroke and other health conditions, a boost to the current home care services provided to the elderly as well as the other health care services offered to other interest groups.