How to Maintain Safety in the Senior Years
Periodically, we like to highlight some of our area senior centers and other full-service organizations for older adults. Sourcewise is one such organization. Designated as Santa Clara County’s Area Agency on Aging, the private, nonprofit organization provides a variety of services to area seniors and caregivers. They are also expanding their mission to include other individuals with disabilities.
A few of the programs and services provided by Sourcewise include:
Care management
Senior employment training and placement
Alzheimer’s day care
Senior legal services
Peer counseling
Meals on Wheels
Senior farmers market nutrition program
Health insurance counseling and advocacy program
Caregiver respite and training
Grandparent caregiver support
Sourcewise, based in San Jose, has been providing senior services in Santa Clara County since 1973, with a goal of informing, educating, and preparing individuals to “better navigate their health and life options.” Much of the organization’s outreach is done through collaboration with county, local, and state networks. The Sourcewise model is a community-based system of care – one that is inclusive of all those in need.
During the last fiscal ear, Sourcewise provided services to thousands of individuals throughout the area, including the following:
Information – 13,500 individuals
Health insurance counseling and advocacy – 26,000
Meals on Wheels – 1,595 (with 675,000 meals delivered!)
Senior employment services – 120
Care management – 439
Family caregiver support program – 44
In addition to its traditional senior services, Sourcewise offers two additional community services with significant impact. Its Public Authority Services are designed to facilitate independent living through its support of Santa Clara County’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS). Sourcewise provides information and technology for potential in-home care providers, in compliance with new state law that requires provider enrollment in a state registry.
Sourcewise also offers CareAccess, a hosted service software for professionals throughout the health and human services network, including Area Agencies on Aging, Adult Protective Services, and IHSS Public Authority agencies. CareAccess is a nationally recognized hosted software environment through which providers can access information, make referrals, receive training, ensure provider enrollment, and other critical functions.
Sourcewise operates an information, assistance, and referral call center, and community resource specialists can be reached Monday – Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at (408) 350-3200 or at
As a senior care provider serving Santa Clara County, Homecare California is grateful for the availability of the services provided by Sourcewise. Our professionals, families, and area seniors benefit from a coordinated approach to care.