September: A Month for Healthier Aging
A glance through the September calendar of important dates reminds us that this month is a significant one for those who work with older adults. Commemorative dates allow us to both learn more about aging and share resources with others.
The following is just a partial list of dates to remember this month – feel free to suggest others!
Healthy Aging Month. The founder of Healthy Aging Magazine established this recognition time several years ago. For individuals in late middle age, the site offers helpful resources and tips on getting older with grace. Check out “10 Tips for Reinventing Yourself during September Is Healthy Aging Month.” It offers practical suggestions designed to promote a more positive attitude toward aging.
Also as part of Healthy Aging Month, the National Eye Health Education Program offers a toolkit, See Well for a Lifetime: An Educational Series on Vision and Aging. Eyesight acuity can decrease with age, and identifying age-related eye conditions and diseases can decrease problems.
Falls Prevention Awareness Day. This annual event will be observed this year on September 23 – the first day of fall (pun presumably intended!). As you might imagine, the day is designed to raise awareness on how falls and related injuries can be reduced among older adults. This year’s theme is “Take a Stand to Prevent Falls.” One of the resources offered is an infographic entitled: 6 Steps to Prevent a Fall.
Active Aging Week. This commemoration takes place during the last week of September each year. It was created to call attention to and celebrate positive aging. The International Council on Active Aging provides a series of client handouts and information on various health issues for seniors, including foot health. One particularly informative one is: “Foot Health with the Institute for Preventive Foot Health.”
If you provide caregiving to an older adult or are feeling the health risks of aging yourself, we encourage you to review these information resources and join us in celebrating the benefits of healthier aging.