8 Dimensions of Wellness: Cupertino Health Fair Offers Resources to Seniors

This weekend, residents of the greater Cupertino area may be interested in checking out one of the region’s best annual health fairs. The Forum at Rancho San Antonio is hosting its 12th annual health fair on Saturday, June 6 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year’s theme: “The Eight Dimensions of Wellness.”
A recent article in the Los Altos Town Crier highlighted the upcoming health fair, which sounds as relevant and eventful as in previous years. More than 60 vendors were present at last year’s event. In the above photo, representatives from the Center for Age-Friendly Excellence share information with a Forum resident. (Photo reprinted from Los Altos Town Crier, courtesy of Jean Newton.)
This year, over 60 exhibits and vendors will also be available. As always, the health fair will be geared toward providing resources and information for seniors. Planned activities include health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., a variety of food vendors, cooking demonstrations, and even a wine tasting. Music will be provided by the Toot Sweet Jazz Band. Attendees will be provided with practical tips on preventive health and a booklet containing relevant vendors and other resources.
If you’re not yet familiar with the event’s sponsor, The Forum at Rancho San Antonio is a resort-style retirement community in Cupertino, offering a full-service continuing care environment, from independent villas to specialized nursing care. No stranger to the concept of wellness dimensions, The Forum introduced its “8 Dimensions of Wellness” model last year, featuring activities designed to promote wellness in physical, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, environmental, nutritional, and health planning dimensions.
Various advocacy organizations for older adults, individuals with mental illness, and other populations have devised their own variations of the “dimensions of wellness.” What they have in common is the belief that an individual can achieve the best overall health by an integrated approach that promotes wellness in areas ranging from physical to financial health. Such a holistic view of individual well-being is particularly critical with older adults, who are more vulnerable in many areas such as social, occupational, or physical health.
We look forward to learning more at this year’s health fair at the Forum.
Here’s a quick information summary on the event:
Date and Time —
Saturday, June 20, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Location —
Community Building, The Forum at Rancho San Antonio
23500 Cristo Rey Drive, Cupertino, CA
Directions —
Follow this link for directions
Cost —
Other —
Limited parking available – carpooling encouraged!
For Additional Information —
Call 944-0100 or visit website @ experiencetheforum.com